Wired: Beer-Dispensing System Will End Ballpark Lines

For anyone who has ever waited for what seems like hours while concession workers laboriously fill plastic cup after plastic cup with delicious, ...

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For anyone who has ever waited for what seems like hours while concession workers laboriously fill plastic cup after plastic cup with delicious, overpriced ballpark beer, the geniuses at GrinOn Industries have unveiled their Bottoms Up system, which revolutionizes the process. The gimmick? Beer that flows into the cup from the bottom.

It’s all based on magnets, that open up a valve on the underside of the cup when it’s placed on the Bottoms Up beer-dispensing unit. Once the beer (flowing in at a tremendously faster pace than scientists or drunk ballpark patrons ever assumed possible) fills the cup enough, the valve closes and all you have to pop the cup off the stand and off you go, legal drinker.

Artiklen inkluderer video, hvor en enkelt mand med en beer-dispenser fylder 56 plastikkrus med øl på et minut. Uden at gøre sig større anstrengelser!