Ron Paul bliver stillet spørgsmål om hans syn på the federal reserve i forbindelse med hans udnævnelse som formand for "the House subcommittee on domestic monetary policy". Vær at læse hvis du ikke har læst meget om guldstandard og pengepolitik i den østrigsk økonomiske skole. Hvis du har det, så spring over denne artikel.
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It seems a lot of presidential candidates will neutralize their positions on certain touchy topics.Would you ever characterize yourself as extreme?
No, I think what we have is extreme. It's out of wack. I mean I want to balance the budget – I don't know why that would be extreme. I want limited government, I wanted personal liberty, I want to bring our troops home.
But some would consider ending the Fed is a bit extreme, don't you think?
No, I think printing money is extreme and crazy. I think the obscenity is allowing the Federal Reserve to print $3.3 trillion and we don't even know where it went. That to me is what's so extreme.