Vi har islamonausea |

We should stop using Muslims’ self-chosen word — “Islamophobia” — by which they paint themselves into a corner of being feared: it destroys commun...

Nicolai Sennels,


We should stop using Muslims’ self-chosen word — “Islamophobia” — by which they paint themselves into a corner of being feared: it destroys communication. Instead of such a divisive term, we should insert a more approachable and factual word that preserves opportunities for bridge-building and learning: “Islamonausea.” This does not render communication impossible, but enables visitors to our Western cultures to notice aspects of their behavior that make us sick.

It is no wonder that Muslims are so focused on Islamophobia. Lacking convincing arguments, charm and positive contributions to their surroundings, being feared is their only chance to gain at least some kind of “respect”, and to scare the less brave into not warning the world about Islam’s obvious genocidal nature and its prophet’s thirst for blood and underage girls. The term Islamophobia, fear of Islam, points to what Muslims want: they want us to fear them and their faith, which is the reason for Islamic terror and their intimidating behaviour. Fact is that Muslims are the biggest Islamophobes: only fear can explain their acceptance of living under such a suppressive system, denying them basic freedoms such as freedom of speech, and the right to chose their own partners, life style and religion. Without extreme social control, capital punishment for apostasy...