Jojo, man regulerer også i USA: Fødevarer der indeholder sunde ingredienser, nødder, juice mv., risikerer at blive rubriceret som 'drugs' - altså som medicinalvarer for hvilke der stilles helt andre krav til godkendelse og dokumentation før markedsføring - hvis producenterne vover at reklamere med sundheds-'risikoen' på emballagen:
While medical experts at the Mayo Clinic trumpet the value of eating walnuts as part of a "heart-healthy diet" and endorse the nuts' cholesterol-lowering benefits, the FDA informed Diamond Foods that it cannot tell consumers its shelled walnuts can help prevent heart disease. Other miscreants include Beech-Nut for promoting the "low sodium" and "plus vitamins and minerals" in its whole-grain oatmeal mixed with fruit and Nestle's Juicy Juice apple juice, which includes a "no sugar added" label.