US State Department billigede Muhammedtegninger

Diplomatiske beskeder for nyligt frigivet af WikiLeaks har afsløret at det Amerikanske udenrigsministerium (US State Department) i September 2006 ...

Peter Bjørn,


Diplomatiske beskeder for nyligt frigivet af WikiLeaks har afsløret at det Amerikanske udenrigsministerium (US State Department) i September 2006 udtrykte glæde over at den Danske opbakning til krigsindsatsen i Irak og Afghanistan tiltog i kølvandet på sagen om og reaktionerne på muhammedtegningerne.


At the same time, the cable described the riots as having “positive and negative implications for the US.” Going into detail, they made clear that the “good” aspect of the riots was that they had solidified the Danish government’s support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
