The Fallacy of the 'Public Sector' |

Murray N

Nicklas Augustine,


Murray N. Rothbard skriver i denne fabelagtige artikel, stillet til rådighed af, om nogle af de overordnede fejltagelser vedrørende sammenligningen mellem den offentlige og den private sektor. Yderst interessant for den tålmodige læser.


"In the private sector, a firm's productivity is gauged by how much the consumers voluntarily spend on its product. But in the public sector, the government's "productivity" is measured – mirabile dictu – by how much it spends! Early in their construction of national-product statistics, the statisticians were confronted with the fact that the government, unique among individuals and firms, could not have its activities gauged by the voluntary payments of the public – because there were little or none of such payments. Assuming, without any proof, that governmentmust be as productive as anything else, they then settled upon its expenditures as a gauge of its productivity. In this way, not only are government expenditures just as useful as private, but all the government need to do in order to increase its "productivity" is to add a large chunk to its bureaucracy. Hire more bureaucrats, and see the productivity of the public sector rise! Here, indeed, is an easy and happy form of social magic for our bemused citizens."