I disse tider, hvor alle synes at mene, at løsningen på vores finasielle problemer, er mere offentligt overforbrug og dermed en elendig økonomi, var det måske værd at huske vores gamle Iron Lady, og hendes stålfaste forklaringer, som burde ha' overbevist den engelske folk, men som vel ikke rigtigt gjorde det....
Jeg kan kun håbe at nogle mennesker vil tage ved lære at dette klip...
One of the great debates of our time
is of how much of your money should be spend by the state
And how much you should keep
to spend on your family
Let us never forget this fondamental thruth
The state has no source of money
other than the money the people earn themself
If the state wishes to spend more
it can do so only by borowing your sawings
or by taxing you more
And its no good thinking someone else will pay
that someone else is you...
There is no such thing as public money
there is only taxpayers money....