Study: The poor are not poor because the rich are rich

A just-released study from the Pew Research Center for  the People and the Press reporting a record high wealth gap between whites and  blacks shou...

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A just-released study from the Pew Research Center for  the People and the Press reporting a record high wealth gap between whites and  blacks should have been labeled "handle with care." 

Because care is needed to examine the complex reality  behind the fact that "median wealth of white households is 20 times that of  black households. ..."

And without care, this information will be abused and  misused by those in the race business as another excuse to claim racism and  demand exactly what blacks, or any of us, do not need -- more  government.

And, indeed, the Rev. Al Sharpton has already  announced plans for protest in Washington, along with the statement: "For those  who think we live in some sort of post-racial society, I have news for you:  we're anything but."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: