Søn af Hamas leder - Profeten Mohammed dræbte jødiske børn og tog kvinderne til fange

Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: Did Muhammad kill the Jews of Khaybar, or didn't he? You tell me

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Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf: Did Muhammad kill the Jews of Khaybar, or didn't he? You tell me. Why distort the facts? The Muslims must be honest with themselves and with the rest of the world. Muhammad – the supreme role model for the Muslims – killed the Jews of Khaybar, of Qureiza, and of Nadhir. He killed their children and captured their women. This is the supreme role model for the Muslims.

I Danmark debatteres simple tegninger, men ikke hvem der er ophavet til islam, nemlig Mohammed. Hvem stod bag skabelsen af islam og hvad var denne person for en type ?
