Slate-anmeldelse: Intellektuelle fejler i at forsvare ytringsfriheden

The Flight of the Intellectuals, Paul Berman's new 300-page polemic (to be published this spring), [is a] book that is likely to provoke an intens...

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The Flight of the Intellectuals, Paul Berman's new 300-page polemic (to be published this spring), [is a] book that is likely to provoke an intense controversy among public intellectuals. The most contentious assertion in Berman's book is that some of the most prominent of these—people who rushed to the defense of Salman Rushdie when he was threatened with death for a novel deemed blasphemously irreverent to Islam—have failed to offer wholehearted support to Muslim dissidents today, people such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born author and Muslim apostate, whose lives are similarly threatened. This failure, this "flight of the intellectuals," Berman argues, represents a deeply troubling abandonment of Enlightenment values in the face of recurrent threats to freedom of expression.