Sekterisk vold presser egyptisk regering

Den sekteriske vold i Egypten - senest drabene på seks koptere i Nag Hammadi - giver den egyptiske regering hovedpine og kaster pinligt lys på den ...

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Den sekteriske vold i Egypten - senest drabene på seks koptere i Nag Hammadi - giver den egyptiske regering hovedpine og kaster pinligt lys på den religiøse diskrimination af landets kristne, skriver Middle East Report:

When violence breaks out between Egypt’s Muslim majority and Coptic Christian minority, the Egyptian government is normally quick to deny that the motive could be sectarian. Spokesmen point to “foreign fingers” that are supposedly stirring up sedition, in hopes that the file on the incident can be closed as quickly as possible and the state can resume displaying an image of Egypt as typified by “national unity.”

This rhetorical device has been useful in the past for deflecting demands from Copts, who compose roughly 10 percent of the population, that their underlying grievances be redressed. But the government’s act has worn thin.
