Saudiarabien og eksporten af teokrat-fascistisk islam

Det er ikke bare olie, saudiaraberne eksporterer

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Det er ikke bare olie, saudiaraberne eksporterer. Det er også en middelalderlig, reaktionær og bogstavtro version af islam, nemlig wahabisme.

Curtin Winsor giver et historisk overblik og forklarer, hvordan milliarderne fra olieeksport giver saudibarbarerne mulighed for at eksportere denne særlige variant af islam til næsten alle dele af den muslimske verden:

"The Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad during the past two decades, and the scale of financing is believed to have increased in the past two years as oil prices have skyrocketed. The bulk of this funding goes to the construction and operating expenses of mosques, madrassas, and other religious institutions that preach Wahhabism. It also supports the training of imams; domination of mass media and publishing outlets; distribution of Wahhabi textbooks and other literature; and endowments to universities (in exchange for influence over the appointment of Islamic scholars). By comparison, the Communist Party of the USSR and its Comintern spent just over $7 billion propagating its ideology worldwide between 1921 and 1991. [...]

Important fronts in this campaign are in south and southeast Asia, where the majority of the world´s Muslims live. In Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and southern Thailand, Wahhabis have co-opted (or replaced) village and neighborhood imams, and there is a fresh stream of converts returning from stays as guest workers in Saudi Arabia. The children of poor converts are often taken to Saudi Arabia for "education" and many are returned as cannon fodder for use by Wahhabi terrorist fronts. In India, efforts are underway to capture a portion that country´s huge Muslim minority as well as the Untouchable Caste."
