Projekt Tak Ungarn

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Jeg vil opfordre alle til at sende en email til Ungarns ambassade og takke dem for deres standhaftige indsats. Deres email er:

[email protected]

Bed dine venner goere det samme, og lad os haabe det gaar viralt.

Linket nedenfor er til et officielt policy paper om 'flygtninge'-problemet i Ungarn. At citere:

So far this year (up to 14 September 2015) the Office of Immigration and Nationality reports that 191,702 migrants have arrived in Hungary in total (190,762 of them across the Serbian border), while the number of registered asylum applications stands at 170,578. The Office has made decisions in 67,000 cases; final decisions, however (mostly refusals), have been made in only just over two thousand cases, as the rest of the procedures have been terminated because before they could be completed asylum seekers have left for unknown destinations.


By the summer of 2014, the Hungarian government was already drawing the European public’s attention to the fact that economic migration will be the greatest challenge which Europe will be forced to face in 2015. Hungary’s position has been clear and explicit right from the beginning: Hungary is pursuing a policy which seeks to counter this process. We take the view that migration is a process which cannot be adequately managed and controlled, and must be brought to an end.


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said, these people are no longer fleeing to safety: those who have reached Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary or Austria are already safe. This has nothing to do with the moral responsibility we bear for a person fleeing for their life: these people are not fleeing for their lives; they simply picked out the German lifestyle as something they see as desirable. The fact that many migrants have already moved on even from Germany (e.g. to Denmark) also underlines the fact that this flood of migration is economically motivated.