Peter Schiff(, helt?), kommer med en række dejligt fornuftige budskaber til drengene i D.C. der er ved at vælte den vestlige verden som følge af en række gevaldige misforståelser af økonomi.
"It's ironic that extending unemployment benefits, one of the reasons unemployment remains so high in the first place, is actually being touted as a jobs bill. Keynesian proponents argue that giving money to unemployed people will create jobs wherever they spend their government cheese. This is utter nonsense.
If printing money and dolling it out to the unemployed could create growth and jobs, why hasn't it already worked? After all, we have already extended benefits to 99 weeks. Where are all the jobs? Also, if every dollar of unemployment benefits generates two dollars of growth, as our legislators claim, why not double or triple the benefits? In fact, why limit them to the unemployed? Just give the benefits to everyone - then we will really get this economy going.
Politicians cannot create economic growth at will simply by doling out money. If it could, the Soviets would have won the Cold War. Handing out cash does not create additional production, it merely changes who benefits from existing production. Transferring purchasing power from producers to consumers undermines economic growth and destroys jobs".