I 2003 dræbte en selvmordsbomber fra PFLP fire unge israelere ved en busstation i Geha. Det syntes Rosa Lund og Stine Brix fra Enhedslisten åbenbart var super!
Faktisk så syntes de, det var så fantastisk, at de sammen med Foreningen Oprør valgte at donere 50.000 kr. til PFLP året efter. PFLP tog imod pengene med kyshånd, og to måneder senere fik de en bare 16 årig dreng til at sprænge sig selv og tre israelere i luften på et marked. Den 16-årige dreng, to bedsteforældre og en 31-årig mor døde.
Rosa Lund og Stine Brix var dog ikke færdige, i samme omgang valgte de at støtte FARC. En bevægelse, som både Amnesty International og Human Rights Watch siger er ansvarlig for grusomme overgreb på civilbefolkningen. Her i blandt to år tidligere, at have slået ca. 120 mennesker ihjel i en kirke.
I 2003 skrev Human Rights Watch om FARCs brug af børnesoldater:
"Children who desert are often shot, especially if they take their weapons with them. The same fate awaits suspected informers, infiltrators, or children who fall asleep on guard duty. The commander handpicks a group to carry out the sentence. The child, hands tied by nylon cord, is taken beyond the camp's perimeter and made to wait while the squad digs a grave. Several children told Human Rights Watch that they had been ordered to carry out an execution of another child. Some said they had been selected deliberately because the victim was a friend. After the execution, usually by revolver shot, the body may be gutted before it is buried. The dead child's family is rarely, if ever, notified.
Children are also called upon to execute captured enemies. Several former FARC-EP child combatants described in detail to Human Rights Watch how guerrillas tortured captive paramilitaries by pushing needles under their nails, severing fingers and arms, and cutting their faces. Several children told us that their commanders made them watch these gruesome spectacles."
Det er nogle interessante holdninger de har i Enhedslisten til krigens love, børnearbejde og menneskerettigheder...