Obamas socialistiske strategi

Enhedslisten vandt præsidentvalget i USA i 2008

Torben Snarup Hansen,


Enhedslisten vandt præsidentvalget i USA i 2008.

Stanley Kurtz introducerer sin bog om Obamas strategi.

Well, the overall theme of these conferences was that community organizing is the way to turn America socialist.  That’s what community organizing is really all about, although you’ve probably never heard that until now, because community organizers make a point of keeping the socialist story hidden.

Now, how is it that community organizing would make America socialist?  David already alluded to this when he said people pooh-pooh the socialism idea by saying, Well, is Obama nationalizing all the industries?  Well, this was the 1980s, and Ronald Reagan was President of the United States.  Now, it’d be very difficult to run a nationalization strategy by Ronald Reagan.

And of course, by the early ‘80s, the dreams of the socialists for revolution had collapsed.  Through the ‘60s, through the early and even mid-‘70s, there were still hopes among the members and then ex-members of the SDS that they could spark a revolution.  And I followed the story of their socialist groups after the ‘60s.  No one really followed the history of American socialism after the ‘60s.

And for awhile, the veterans of the SDS and other socialists in the United States still thought that America was heading for a kind of giant economic collapse and socialism was just around the corner.  Well, it wasn’t just around the corner.  Ronald Reagan was finally elected.

And so they came up with a new strategy, and that strategy ran through community organizing.  The idea was to go out into local communities and to build socialism from the bottom up.  How?  Well, you’ve heard of this group ACORN.  ACORN confronts banks, uses intimidation tactics to force banks to make subprime loans to people with risky credit histories.  That actually, at this conference, was touted as a kind of strategy for socialism.  You create a de facto public ownership — not by formal nationalization from above, but by pressure from these community groups from below.  Another strategy was to get community organizers represented on the boards of directors of various companies.

So this is the strategy that entranced Obama.  And it was at these Socialist Scholars Conferences he would’ve first heard about organizations, like ACORN and Project Vote, that he spent his entire lifetime working with.  These socialist conferences also laid out strategies — strategies to turn the United States socialist.  I’ve already talked about one of them — this ground-up notion.

Another focal strategy was the socialist realignment strategy.  What that means is that there was an effort to polarize the Democratic and Republican Parties along class lines.  How do you do that?  You do that by attacking business interests and driving them out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party.  Now, that might sound crazy — why would anyone want to drive anyone out of their party, especially people who are donors, have money and all of that?  It seems crazy.  I mean, I’ll get to this, but just think about what Obama’s been doing lately with the Chamber of Commerce and whatnot.

But in fact, the idea is that once you attack these business interests and drive them out of the Democratic Party and into the Republicans, you jumpstart a populist, anti-business movement of the Left.  And all of those people pour into the Democratic Party.  And then, presto, the country has been polarized between the haves and the have-nots.  And the thought of the socialist strategists who mentored Obama was that over time, the party of the have-nots would inevitably gravitate toward socialism, if you could just make class the underlying issue of American politics.

And Project Vote, for example, was part of this strategy.  Because the thought was that the poor and minority individuals who don’t vote in large numbers need to be registered, they need to pour into the Democratic Party; and that will help in this process of pulling the Democrats to the left and polarizing the country along class lines.

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