Muslimerne er en fredelig flok...

Religious: "Sir, Sir, no photos! You don't have the right to film us!" Cameraman: "Why not?" Religious: "You have no right, we are trying t...

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Religious: "Sir, Sir, no photos! You don't have the right to film us!" Cameraman: "Why not?" Religious: "You have no right, we are trying to do our prayers" Cameran: "Why?" Religious: "ok, if you don't want any trouble you'll stop filming" Cameraman: "I understand that but why aren't I allowed to film" Now they get upset and if you look the crowd actually tries to calm them down. Religious2: "HEY WHY ARE YOU FILMING ME HUH? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!! WHY ARE YOU FILMING ME?!" Cameranman: "But we are in the street, on public property" Religious 1: "Yes that's true but- Religious2 grabs the camera: "You're going to erase this now!" Cameraman: "are you a cop" Religious 1: "no" Cameraman: "Then I can film you" Religious 1: "Basically what it comes down to is that we don't want to be filmed, so you don't have the right" Cameraman: "no, the law says I have the right" Religious 3: "Come this way, please" Religious 1: "Yes, let's go off to the side and we'll talk about it" Starts walking Cameraman: "ok, but whats makes what I'm doing forbidden? The law?" Religious 1: " No it's not that, but people don't want to have their pictures taken" Cameraman: "Yeah they don't want to but the law says I can anyway" Religious 1: "No, even if you want to take pictures you need to ask permission, ok?" Cameraman: " I'm just asking a question. I'm in the street walking around --" Religious 1: "You're not allowed, you're not allowed" Cameraman: "Who told you I don't have the right? the police? Religious 1: "No, you just can't take pictures here" Cameraman: "So if I go down there I can take pictures" Religious 1: "Yes, you can do whatever you want down there, just not here" Cameraman: "Whatever law applies there, also applies here" Religious 1: "There are no laws that apply here" fast forward Religious 1: "You need to leave right now, if not there will be trouble. We are permitting you to leave" If you want, there are police down there, there is the president, you can film anywhere else" repeat the "you have no right dialogue" Mosque official: "Let me explain something to you, everybody here is present for the Friday prayers" Cameraman: "yeah, and?" Mosque Official talking over a more angry Muslim: "I'm the future president of the Mosque. Do us a favor, next time you come, ask permission from the mosque's officials" Cameraman: "But they are not in a mosque, they are on the street, a public street. Why are they here?" Mosque Official: "They are here, but it was sanctioned by the city of Paris sometime" Cameraman: "The municipality of Paris? good, so then you have a mandate from the city?" Mosque Official: "Well no, we do not have a mandate but these people aren't able to pray in the mosque so we try to provide a prayer service for them" Mosque Official: "So if you don't want things to get worse for you you'll leave" Cameraman: "You're a Peace officer" he says an Order Service Mosque Official: "Obvisously" Points to home made security armband Cameraman: "hehe, that's not what I meant. Essentially I was verbally attacked by your people" Mosque Official: "LET ME TELL YOU! I'M AGAINST AGGRESSION! I'm against all forms of violence because violence shames Islam. Ever since 9/11 everybody says Islam is evil!" Cameraman: "So this isn't aggression?" Mosque Official: "No, I'm simply telling you we had photographers here before and there was no problem, but they were under OUR control and we placed them down there" Mosque Official: " But if you just show up and say you're going to do what you want, that won't work. That's a form of anarchy. Cameraman: " So I can't walk here?" Mosque Official: "No, you know perfectly well that if you enter an organization you need to address yourself to those in charge" Cameraman: "YES, IF I GO IN, not if you are on a public street" Mosque Official: "You are arguing semantics, playing around with words" Cameraman: "What words, we are on the street!" Religious 2: "Listen, most of us are against you and that's all that matters. To tell you the truth, when we are done praying, I'm going to take your camera without pity or remorse" Relgious 3: "TAKE YOUR CAMERA AND FUCK OFF!" x5 Mosque Official: "My son, please" Cameraman: "no" rabble rabble rabble, they start to push him Cameraman: "Don't touch me! Random muslims to mosque officials: "We're gonna kill this guy, he's an idiot" Random Muslim: "You wanna stay?! Wait until after prayer!" *repeat the "you have no right speech" woman shows up and cameran explains what happened Religious man: "No of course not, we were very respectful towards you!" Cameraman: "You were not, you threatened me so I'm not going to talk to you, I'm just explaining the situation to this woman, leave us alone" Woman: " I understand. It's not illegal to film and it's not that big of a deal but please let us pray in peace"