Mexico: Narkokrigen fortsætter ind i 2010

Der er ikke udsigt tiil, at volden i Mexico - en følge af landets krig mod de magtfulde narkokarteller i landet - vil stilne af i 2010

xxxxxx Ikke angivet,


Der er ikke udsigt tiil, at volden i Mexico - en følge af landets krig mod de magtfulde narkokarteller i landet - vil stilne af i 2010. Det skriver Stratfor i en analyse: "While Mexican security forces have been able to weaken and divide some of the more powerful cartels, this diminution of cartel power has actually spawned even more violence as the organizations scramble to retain control of their territory or to steal turf from other cartels. Over the past few decades, the only time intercartel violence has diminished has been during periods of stability and equilibrium among the competing cartels, and the Mexican government’s anti-drug operations will not allow for such stability and equilibrium. This means we can expect to see the high level of violence continue between the government and the cartels, and among the competing cartels, throughout 2010."
