Kurt Westergaard aflyser offentlig optræden pga. sikkerhedshensyn

Jeg har netop modtaget en Facebook-mail fra organisatorene bag Gods & Politics-konferencen i København

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Jeg har netop modtaget en Facebook-mail fra organisatorene bag Gods & Politics-konferencen i København.

The Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard has decided to cancel his talk due to security reasons. It should be obvious to everyone why Kurt Westergaard was a highly relevant speaker at this particular conference, but it should be equally obvious why he has found it necessary to cancel. We are sorry about that – not least for the sake of Kurt Westergaard himself. Nevertheless, we still have three days of exciting talks from various international speakers to look forward to.

En dansk debattør må aflyse noget så fredeligt som en tale pga. hensynet til hans sikkerhed, og medierne er tavse. Kan du sige "boiling a frog"?