Israel optrapper likvideringer af palæstinensere

Adskillige palæstinensere i Gaza og på Vestbredden er siden december blevet likvideret af israelske sikkerhedsstyrker:

xxxxxx Ikke angivet,


Adskillige palæstinensere i Gaza og på Vestbredden er siden december blevet likvideret af israelske sikkerhedsstyrker:
...though the intifada is supposedly over,the killings are not. In late December, Israeli settlers torched amosque in the Palestinian village of Yasuf and increased nearly dailyattacks on Palestinians and their property. On December 24, Palestinianmilitants from the Al-Aqsa Brigade shot and killed Rabbi Meir AvshalomHai while he was driving home to the settlement of Shavei Shomron. Thesettlement he´s from lies on land confiscated from the Palestinianvillage of Deir Sharaf, just west of Nablus. Two days after the Rabbi´sdeath, Israeli special forces entered Nablus to locate thoseresponsible. An army press release said that "During the operation IDFspecial forces killed three terrorists responsible for carrying out theshooting." But the families of the killed men denied their involvement.On the night of December 26, dozens of Israeli army jeeps andbulldozers occupied the streets of the old city in Nablus. Witnessesreported that more than 70 soldiers were involved in the raid operation.