ISIS-bud Shamima Begum vil meget gerne hjem til UK, istedet for at sidde i en fangelejr i Syrien. Og til britiske medier har hun præsenteret sig selv om hjemmegående husmor.
Men ifølge The Independent spillede Begum en meget aktiv rolle i det såkaldte kalifat. Independent skriver:
One activist quoted by the newspaper said Begum had been seen holding an automatic weapon and shouting at Syrian women in the city of Raqqa for wearing brightly coloured shoes.
“Members of our group from Raqqa knew her well,” said Aghiad al-Kheder, an activist from Deir ez-Zor who founded an anti-Isis collective that published information about Isis crimes from sources on the ground.
“There were lots of young European women in the hisba. Some of them were very harsh and the local population became very scared.”
There were separate allegations that Begum stitched suicide bombers into explosive vests, so they could not be removed without detonating.