Inden for murene i kommunistiske Nordkorea

Vidneudsagn fra 2002, fra en flygtet krigsfange fra Nordkoreas arbejdsfænglser

Ikke angivet Ikke angivet,


Vidneudsagn fra 2002, fra en flygtet krigsfange fra Nordkoreas arbejdsfænglser. Der er nok en del der har set den før, men til dem der ikke har, er det et godt indblik i kommunismens rædsler. Om 50 år er det ikke 2. verdenskrig man vil tænke tilbage på med rædsel, det er Nordkoreas kommunistiske regime.

In the spring of 1990, I was carrying a work order to the cast iron factory in the male prison. Five or six elderly Christians were lined up and forced to deny their Christianity and accept the Juche Ideology of the State. The selected prisoners all remained silent at the repeated command for conversion. The security officers became furious by this and killed them by pouring molten iron on them one by one.


Officially, the purpose of the prison is to reform the ideology of the prisoners. In reality, however, the purpose of the prison is to exploit slave labor. The prisoners work 1618 hours every day without wages. Cow leather whips are always ready on the walls and women are whipped, kicked, or punched daily for no reason.


Some women prisoners are so shocked that they vomit, faint, or develop mental illness (e.g., sudden singing or laughing hysterically). They are sent to punishment cells for being "weak in ideology" and "showing sympathy to the people's enemy."


< young man became lunatic as a result of continuing torture. He complained one day, "Great Leader? What has he done for me?" He was frozen to death in the chamber that night.