Guldboblen siger POP! igen, igen - nu som heavy metal.

Nærmer guldboblen sit endeligt? Hvorfor flokkes investorer til guld i frygt for inflation? Inflationen er lav og guld har ingen iboende værdi

Bertel Vagn Christensen,


Nærmer guldboblen sit endeligt? Hvorfor flokkes investorer til guld i frygt for inflation? Inflationen er lav og guld har ingen iboende værdi. Råstoffer har bedre fremtidsudsigter end estetisk smukke tungmetaller også hvis inflationen rammer os.

The real story to me is demand for commodities overall. Every developing country needs copper, tin, coal and a host of minerals to build their infrastructures. So they are bidding up prices from the mines of Chile to the coal pits of Australia. That much makes sense to me and it’s definitely a long-term trend.

... when the hyperinflation fervor goes away, gold will be about as exciting as its less glamorous cousin: lead.