Greenfields analyserer den overnationale ødelæggelse af sikkerhed, frihed og velstand i Vesten. "Multikultur" og "folkeretten" erstatter national selvbestemmelse og dermed demokrati. Aktørerne er ideologer, der henviser til "globalisering" og "rettigheder", som i praksis betyder massiv, ikke-vestlig indvandring.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014
The Two Empires We Must Defeat
Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog
This Empire of International Law proved to have some uses for global trade and security, particularly during the Cold War. These practical arrangements however are overshadowed by the fact that it, like every empire, sacrifices the interests of its peoples to its own structure. This is true of the structure at every level, from the EU to the Federal structure of the United States. The system has displaced the people. And the system runs on principles that require cheap labor leading to policies like amnesty.
The Empire of International Law needs Muslim immigrants even if its people don't, because it envisions integrating them and their countries into this arrangement and rejects national interests as narrow-minded and nativist.
This formerly liberal vision now embraced largely by centrists is the left's vision, which includes today's liberals, is of a completely transnational ideological empire in which there are no borders, but there are countless activists, in which everything and everyone are controlled by the state.
Like the more conventional imperial vision, the left's red Empire of Ideology depends on enlisting Muslims and Muslim countries into its ranks. This is the basis of the Red-Green alliance..........