Glenn Greenwald: Årsag og effekt i terrorkrigen

Glenn Greenwald kalder Barack Obama for 'fem-fronts-præsidenten', fordi Obama-administrationen nu fører fem mere eller mindre officielle krige i Mu...

xxxxxx Ikke angivet,


Glenn Greenwald kalder Barack Obama for 'fem-fronts-præsidenten', fordi Obama-administrationen nu fører fem mere eller mindre officielle krige i Muslimistan. Der er folk i USA, som ikke synes fem fronter er tilstrækkeligt, men som gerne ser åbnet i hvert fald én mere, mod Iran. Med baggrund i det seneste, i øvrigt amatøragtige, terrorforsøg på et fly til Detroit, spørger Glenn Greenwald om, hvad der er årsag og hvad er effekt i terrorkrigen: "... if you count our occupation of Iraq, our twice-escalated war in Afghanistan, our rapidly escalating bombing campaigns in Pakistan and Yemen, and various forms of covert war involvement in Somalia, one could reasonably say that we're fighting five different wars in Muslim countries -- or, to use the NYT's jargon, "five fronts" in the "Terror War" (Obama yesterday specifically mentioned Somalia and Yemen as places where, euphemistically, "we will continue to use every element of our national power"). Add to those five fronts the "crippling" sanctions on Iran many Democratic Party luminaries are now advocating, combined with the chest-besting threats from our Middle East client state that the next wars they fight against Muslims will be even "harsher" than the prior ones, and it's almost easier to count the Muslim countries we're not attacking or threatening than to count the ones we are. Yet this still isn't enough for America's right-wing super-warriors, who accuse the five-front-war-President of "an allergy to the concept of war."
