Folkets efterretningstjeneste chikaneres og udspioneres

WikiLeaks, der beskriver sig selv som 'folkets efterretningstjeneste' og offentliggør ting og sager, som de rigtige efterretningstjenester helst se...

xxxxxx Ikke angivet,


WikiLeaks, der beskriver sig selv som 'folkets efterretningstjeneste' og offentliggør ting og sager, som de rigtige efterretningstjenester helst ser skjult bag gardinerne, har offentliggjort et dokument fra den amerikanske hær, der afslører en plan for at ødelægge WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks er ikke populær, hverken blandt amerikanske soldater og spioner, i 3. verdenslande eller - i Island. Stifter og redaktør Julian Assange skriver:

"U.S. must stop spying on WikiLeaks
Over the last few years, WikiLeaks has been the subject of hostile acts by security organizations. In the developing world, these range from the appalling assassination of two related human rights lawyers in Nairobi last March (an armed attack on my compound there in 2007 is still unattributed) to an unsuccessful mass attack by Chinese computers on our servers in Stockholm, after we published photos of murders in Tibet.

In the West this has ranged from the overt, the head of Germany's foreign intelligence service, the BND, threatening to prosecute us unless we removed a report on CIA activity in Kosovo, to the covert, to an ambush by a "James Bond" character in a Luxembourg car park, an event that ended with a mere "we think it would be in your interest to...".

Developing world violence aside, we've become used to the level of security service interest in us and have established procedures to ignore that interest.

But the increase in surveillance activities this last month, in a time when we are barely publishing due to fundraising, are excessive. Some of the new interest is related to a film exposing a U.S. massacre we will release at the U.S. National Press Club on April 5.

The spying includes attempted covert following, photographing, filming and the overt detention & questioning of a WikiLeaks' volunteer in Iceland on Monday night.

I, and others were in Iceland to advise Icelandic parliamentarians on the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a new package of laws designed to protect investigative journalists and internet services from spying and censorship. As such, the spying has an extra poignancy.

The possible triggers:

- our ongoing work on a classified film revealing civilian casualties occurring under the command of the U.S, general, David Petraeus.
- our release of a classified 32 page US intelligence report on how to fatally marginalize WikiLeaks (expose our sources, destroy our reputation for integrity, hack us).
- our release of a classified cable from the U.S. Embassy in Reykjavik reporting on contact between the U.S. and the U.K. over billions of euros in claimed loan guarantees [...]"
- pending releases related to the collapse of the Icelandic banks and Icelandic "oligarchs".

Glenn Greenwald skriver:
"[...] The public and private organizations most eager to maintain complete secrecy around what they do -- including numerous U.S. military and intelligence agencies -- are obviously threatened by WikiLeaks' activities, which is why they seek to harass and cripple them. There are numerous ways one can support WikiLeaks -- donations, volunteer work, research, legal and technical assistance -- and that can be done through their site. There aren't many groups more besieged, or doing more important work, than they."
