Doug Bandow, tildigere særlig assistent for præsident Ronald Reagan, nu tilknyttet Cato Institute, skriver:
[...] intervention and war make terrorism more likely. As the U.S. has expanded operations in Pakistan and Yemen and backed foreign African military forces in Somalia, those nations have become greater incubators of terrorism. Unfortunately, Washington appears to be creating terrorists faster than it can kill them.
But war is more than bad foreign policy. It also undermines republican government at home. The U.S. accounts for roughly half of global military spending. Iraq alone will end up costing at least $2 trillion and probably more. The expense of fighting the war in Afghanistan is spiraling upwards. Yet Uncle Sam is effectively broke.
[...] There is a more basic moral point, however. War is fundamentally immoral. Peoples possess a basic right to self-defense, of course, but the burden of starting a conflict is exceedingly heavy, even if done nominally for humanitarian purposes. Alas, American policymakers now treat war as a matter of choice and threaten to bomb and invade other nations for almost frivolous reasons. That people will be displaced, maimed, and killed is viewed as merely a minor, even incidental, cost.