The number of police CCTV cameras trained on Britain's roads has almost doubled over the last three years, giving police forces and the intelligence agencies access to up to 26 million images a day, the Guardian can reveal.
There are now more than 8,000 cameras in the network, with senior officers hopeful of extending it further because they regard it as a key tool that helps to cut crime and save lives.
However, the scale of the system is causing privacy campaigners grave concern and senior officers admit they need to do more to address fears about suspicion-less surveillance.
- Danmark står til at indføre noget lignende. Uden nogen synderlig debat. Det er noget nær den totale overvågning, hvis der bliver taget billieder af en og ens bil hver gang man bevæger sig rundt på vejene. En fuldkommen utålelig udvikling. Hvor er modstanden mod dette overvågningshelvede?