Briternes bekymringer for nationens fremtidige udvikling er voksende, viser ny stor undersøgelse. Den dårlige britiske økonomi bliver dog overskygget af et endnu større problem:
Immigration is regarded by the public as the biggest issue facing British society, a major new survey taking stock of the state of the country reveals. One in three people believes tension between immigrants and people born in the UK is the major cause of division, while well over half regard it as one of the top three causes.
Over the past two decades, both immigration and emigration have increased to historically high levels, with those entering the country exceeding those leaving by more than 100,000 in every year since 1998.
Note: se Hver anden brite overvejer at emigrere ... civilisationens kulturflygtninge på flugt fra barbari!
The survey, by Ipsos MORI, also discovered a high proportion of people who were pessimistic about the British economy (50%). Nearly half (46%) said Britain was heading in the wrong direction, but there was an improvement on last year's figures when 74% were pessimistic.Three in four also believe Britain is in a housing crisis.
Note: Denne artikel er oprindelig udgivet i "Udland" da den omhandler andre forhold end Islam og indvandring. "Nogen" har ændret kategorien, og som følge af det nye setup kan brugeren ikke ændre dette. Længe leve friheden !?