Afrika: Det største jordrøveri siden kolonitiden

Er det et fremskridt eller endnu en sten på den fattige afrikaners vej? Multinationale multimilliardærer og selskaber køber stort ind af jord i Af...

xxxxxx Ikke angivet,


Er det et fremskridt eller endnu en sten på den fattige afrikaners vej? Multinationale multimilliardærer og selskaber køber stort ind af jord i Afrika, hvorpå man vil producere fødevarer til eksport til rigere lande.

De lokale bønder bliver brutalt smidt bort fra deres jord, uden kompensation, men til gengæld bliver de fattige lande stillet titusinder af nye job i udsigt:

"It is not known if the acquisitions will improve or worsen food security in Africa, or if they will stimulate separatist conflicts, but a major World Bank report due to be published this month is expected to warn of both the potential benefits and the immense dangers they represent to people and nature.

Leading the rush are international agribusinesses, investment banks, hedge funds, commodity traders, sovereign wealth funds as well as UK pension funds, foundations and individuals attracted by some of the world's cheapest land.

Together they are scouring Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia, Congo, Zambia, Uganda, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Mali, Sierra Leone, Ghana and elsewhere. Ethiopia alone has approved 815 foreign-financed agricultural projects since 2007. Any land there, which investors have not been able to buy, is being leased for approximately $1 per year per hectare."
