Tyrkiet: 13 procent har overværet æresdrab

Mens Jesper Langballe skal i retten for at sige, at muslimer slår deres døtre ihjel, så kommer her en rapport fra de værst ramte områder i EU-kandi...

Nicolai Sennels,


Mens Jesper Langballe skal i retten for at sige, at muslimer slår deres døtre ihjel, så kommer her en rapport fra de værst ramte områder i EU-kandidaten Tyrkiet: 13 % voksne og 10 % unge har set et æresdrab blive udført. 26 % støtter ideen om æresdrab.

“The study was conducted in the provinces where the most honor killings in the country were taking place and covered the responses of 440 high school students and their parents. According to the report released by the ministry, 13 percent of the parents and 9.9 percent of students had witnessed an honor killing.”

“The study also showed that 26.2 percent of the parents and 25.9 percent of the students said they support such killings.”

Kilde: Today’s Zaman, d. 30. marts 2009 “Media help escalate honor killings, study reveals
