Muhammed vender tilbage til South Park

Her er teaseren til morgendagens episode af South Park:It’s a tense situation in South Park as Muhammad has become the pawn in the game to save the...

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Her er teaseren til morgendagens episode af South Park:

It’s a tense situation in South Park as Muhammad has become the pawn in the game to save the town. The Ginger kids are threatening to destroy the city if Stan and Kyle don’t hand over the Prophet and the celebrities have met violence with violence by unleashing Mecha Streisand. In the midst of all of this, all anyone really wants to know is, who is Eric Cartman’s father?

Ja, man skal kende lidt til South Parks univers (og den igangværende sæson) for at hive en mening ud af den teaser, men det store dyr i overstående åbenbaring er fortsættelsen af historien om Muhammeds tredje besøg i South Park, Colarado, U.S.A.

Fortsættelse af historien, præsentation af baggrund, samt billeder af Muhammed i South Park (og manglen på samme), forefindes i linket (til min egen blog).